Barbed Forget-Me-Not
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Barbed Forget-Me-Not
ative Photo: Thingnam Girija
Common name: Barbed Forget-Me-Not • Hindi: Andhahuli, Lichkura • Kashmiri: Cherun ﭼﻴﺮﹸﻥ
Botanical name: Cynoglossum wallichii    Family: Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not family)
Synonyms: Cynoglossum glochidiatum, Cynoglossum denticulatum

Barbed Forget-Me-Not is a biennial herb up to 70 cm tall. Stem and branches in lower parts are hairy with spreading white hairs 2-3 mm long. Basal leaves are stalked to obovate, nervose on the lower surface. Lower stem leaves are generally longer and with shorter stalks, upper leaves gradually reduced in size. Flowers are borne in long many-flowered racemes, which elongate in fruit, with fruits 1.5-2 cm apart. Flower-stalks are reflexed and up to 3 mm long in fruit. Sepals are 2 mm long, oblong, slightly enlarged and spreading in fruit. Flowers are blue to bluish-white. Throat scales are bifid, puberulous. Filaments are short, attached at the middle of the corolla tube. Nutlets are round to ovate, dorsal area ovate, with sparse to dense erect appendages, sunk or less so, keeled. Barbed Forget-Me-Not is found in the Himalayas, from Afghanistan through Kashmir to Sikkim and W. China, at altitudes of 1500-4000 m. Flowering: May-August.

Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh Photographed in Dhanaulti, Uttarakhand & Kashmir.

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