Blunt-Leaf Crossberry
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Blunt-Leaf Crossberry
P Native Photo: S. Kasim
Common name: Blunt-Leaf Crossberry • Tamil: Accu, Kullai, Pandripiduku
Botanical name: Grewia bracteata    Family: Tiliaceae (Falsa family)
Synonyms: Grewia obtusa, Grewia wightiana

Blunt-Leaf Crossberry is a medium size shrub with leaves 2-12 x 1.5-7 cm, broadly ovate, ovate-lanceshaped or round, subheart-shaped at base, somewhat pointed, tapering or rounded at tip, irregularly rounded toothed-sawtoothed. Leaves hairless excepting the nerves beneath, 3-nerved; leaf-stalks 2-16 mm long; stipules ovate, sparsely velvet-hairy. Flower-cymes arise in leaf-axils, few-flowered; flower-cluster-stalks up to 7 mm long; buds 10-15 x 5 mm, ovoid or ovoid-oblong, woolly. Flower-stalks are 4-10 mm long. sepals 1.5-2.3 x 0.3 cm, ovate-lanceshaped to lanceshaped, hairy. Petals are white or yellow, 4-6 x 2-2.5 mm, ovate or oblong, blunt, fringed with hairs at base; glands about 2.5 mm long. Receptacle about 1.5 mm long, angular, hairless. Androgynophore about 1 mm long, woolly. Stamens about 1.2 cm long. Ovary about 2 mm across, spherical, bristly; stigma club-shaped, laciniate. Drupes are 1.5-2 cm across, broadly ovoid or depressed-spherical, obscurely or distinctly 4-lobed, rusty velvet-hairy. Blunt-Leaf Crossberry is found in dry deciduous forests in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Sri Lanka. Flowering: All year.

Identification credit: Saneesh CS, J.M. Garg Photographed in Yelagiri Hills, Tamil Nadu & Horsley hills, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh.

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