Bugloss Chiretta
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Bugloss Chiretta
ative Photo: Thingnam Rajshree
Common name: Bugloss Chiretta, False Waterwillow • Gujarati: Kalukariyatun • Kannada: ಗೋದಿಬರ್ಸನ Godibarsana • Malayalam: Pitumba • Marathi: Ranchimani • Oriya: lavalata • Tamil: கோபுரம்தாங்கி Kopuramtanki
Botanical name: Andrographis echioides    Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Justicia echioides, Indoneesiella echioides

Bugloss Chiretta is an annual forb with very hairy stems growing up to 45 cm tall, branched from the base. Leaves are oblong, up to 7.5 cm long, 2.4 cm wide, or sometimes oblong-spade-shaped, narrowed at the base. Leaves are hairy on both sides. Flowers are borne in spike-like racemes, up to 2 cm long. The stalk carrying the raceme is densely hairy. Flowers are erect. Sepal tube is 2 mm long, with thread-like sepals up to 9 mm long. Flowers have a 4 mm long tube, opening into two lips. Upper lip is oblong, up to 5.5 x 2 mm, 2-lobed above. Lower lip is up to 7 mm long, with 3 oblong-lanceshaped lobes, marked with purple. Stamen filaments are flattened. Bugloss Chiretta is found in India and Sri Lanka. Flowering: March-June, October-December.

Identification credit: N. S. Dungriyal Photographed in JNU Campus, Delhi.

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