Bundled Browntop Grass is a perennial grass with stems
rambling, rooting at base, branching, up to 4 m long, internodes
sometimes velvet-hairy, nodes hairy. Leaf sheaths are velvet-hairy,
one margin fringed with hairs. Leaf blades are narrowly elliptic, 10-18
x 0.8-2 cm, hairy, more densely on lower surface, ligule 1-2 mm.
Racemes are 3-12, purplish, flexuous, bundled, 7-12 cm; axis internodes
linear, slightly inflated upward, shorter than spikelet. Stalkless
spikelet 2.8-4 mm. Bundled Browntop Grass is found in west-central
tropical and east tropical Africa, China, India, Indo-China, and
Malesia, at altitudes of 1300-1500 m. Flowering: August-January.
Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma
Photographed in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
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