Dissected-Leaf Sutera
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Dissected-Leaf Sutera
A Native Unknown Photo: Ankush Dave
Common name: Dissected-Leaf Sutera, Dissected-Leaf Bacopa
Botanical name: Jamesbrittenia dissecta    Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort family)
Synonyms: Sutera dissecta, Capraria dissecta, Sutera glandulosa

Dissected-Leaf Sutera is an annual, spreading, glandular velvet-hairy herb. Leaves are 0.8-1.8 x 03-1 an, ovate in outline, pinnately cut with toothed lobes basally tapering into short leaf-stalks. Flowers are nearly stalkless, solitary, in leaf-axils or in racemes. Sepal-cup is 2.5-3 mm long, 5-partite, glandular-velvet-hairy. Flowers are white, 5-6 mm long, with a yellowish tube, petals oblong, blunt, nearly equal. Capsules areabout 3.5 mm long, ovoid-oblong, 2-valved; seeds many, minute, pitted, yellowish. Dissected-Leaf Sutera is common in dried up ponds and ditches along roadsides, in India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Sudan. Flowering: January-February.

Identification credit: Rahul Sharma, Ankush Dave Photographed in Morena, Madhya Padesh.

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