Freshwater Mangrove is a tree growing up to 10 m
tall. Branches are brown, corky. Stipules are 1-2.5 cm. Leaves carried
on 1 cm long stalks are elliptic-obovate, oblanceolate, or rarely
circular, 5-15 x 2-10 cm, papery to thinly leathery. Leaf base is
wedge-shaped, margin entire or toothed, tip pointed or shortly
tapering. Inflorescences are 1-6 cm, often resinous, usually shining
from secreted resin. Flowers are short-stalked or stalkless. Bracteoles
are 2 or 3, partially fused into a cup. Sepals are 6 or 7, triangular,
3-4 mm. Petals are white, nearly round, 1.5 mm in diameter, notched at
the tip and unevenly lacerate. Stamens are about 2 mm. Ovary is
bulbous, 2 mm; style 2 mm; stigma discoid, apically 4-8-lobed. Fruit is
glossy pink to red round, 5 mm in diameter. Seeds are kidney-shaped.