Graceful Zeuxine is a slender terrestrial orchid.
Rhizome is creeping, rooting at nodes. Leaves are 3-4, stem, 2-4 x
1-1.5 cm, ovate-oblong, pointed to blunt at tip, round at base;
leaf-stalk sheathing. Flowers are borne at branch-ends in racemes,
flowering to the upper part. Floral bracts are 0.3-0.5 cm long,
tapering. Flowers are 2-3 mm across, hardly opening. Sepals and petals
are about 3 mm long. Lip is 0.35-0.4 cm long; lateral lobes small,
saccate; mid-lobe 2-fid, entire on margins. Pollinia 2. Flower-stalk
and ovary 0.5-0.6 cm long. Capsule oblong, 0.8-1 x 0.2-0.3 cm. Graceful
Zeuxine is found in India and Malesia. Flowering: February-May.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in Agumbe, Karnataka.
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