Botanical name:Stellaria neglectaFamily:Caryophyllaceae (Carnation family) Synonyms: Stellaria umbrosa, Stellaria media var. neglecta, Stellaria octandra
Greater Chickweed is an annual or biennial, pale green
herb. Stems are clustered, 30-80 cm tall, with 1 line of hairs. Leaves
are shortly stalked or stalkless, ovate or narrowly ovate, 2-3 x
0.5-1.3 cm, base wedge-shaped, somewhat clasping, tip pointed, basal
leaf margin and stems between 2 basal leaves long hairy. Flowers are
borne at branch-ends in dichotomous cymes; bracts lanceshaped,
herbaceous, glandular velvet-hairy. Petals are 5, nearly as long as or
slightly longer than sepals, 2-cleft nearly to base. Stamens are 8-10,
slightly longer than petals. Styles 3. Sepals are 5, ovate-elliptic to
lanceshaped, 3-4 mm, outside densely velvet-hairy with multicellular
glandular hairs, margin membranous, tip pointed, inflexed.
Flower-stalks are 1-1.5 cm, slender, with a line of dense soft hairs,
nodding after flowering. Capsules are ovoid, longer than persistent
sepals, 6-valved; valves curled. Flowering: April-June. Greater
Chickweed is found at altitudes of 900-1200 m, from Europe to Temp. E.
Asia, N. Africa. It is believed to have naturalized in NE India.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.
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