Green-Heart Swertia
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Green-Heart Swertia
P Native Photo: Tajamul Islam
Common name: Green-Heart Swertia • Kashmiri: مومرم Momram, کڑی جڑ Kadee-jad
Botanical name: Swertia thomsonii    Family: Gentianaceae (Gentian family)

Green-Heart Swertia is a perennial herb with an unbranched stem 10-100 cm. Flowers are borne in panicles. Flowers are 4- or 5-merous, greenish yellow or with bluish tinge, tube 1-2 mm, petals 3-8 x 1-3 mm, ovate, blunt or somewhat pointed. There are 2 glands on each petals which overlap to form a heart-shaped green spot, fringed or rarely not or less fringed. Sepals are 3-10 x 1-3 mm, ovate, pointed to tapering rarely blunt. Filaments are 4-5 mm, anther ovate. Ovary is 4-6 mm, stigmas round to nearly so. Basal leaves are 5-15 x 05-15 cm, oblong ovate to ovate-spoon-shaped, blunt or somewhat pointed, in a rosette. Stem leaves are 3-8 x 0.5-1 cm, fused at the base. Capsule is 6-10 mm. Seeds flat annular winged. Green-Heart Swertia is a endemic to Western Himalaya. mostly in Kashmir, at altitudes of about 3000 m. Flowering: July-November.

Identification credit: Anzar Khuroo, Tajamul Islam Photographed in Kashmir.

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