Hairy Sepal Sedum is a small herb with slender,
threadlike root. Leaves occur in rose-like clusters, stalkless, fleshy,
spoon-shaped, obovate, round at the tip, entire, 6-18 x 4-6 mm.
Flowering stems are 5.5-15 cm high, unbranched, deciduous. Stem leaves
are spoon-shaped, or oblong, blunt, 3-6 x 0.9-3 mm. Flowers are borne
in a lax 6-25-flowered cluster at the top. Flowers are 5-merous, small,
hairy. Flower-stalks are 2-10 mm long. Sepals are 5, oblong or narrowly
elliptic, green or purple, fused at the base, fleshy, dorsal surface
completely hairy, pointed, 2-5 x 0.5-1.5 mm. Flowers are 5-lobed,
petals oblong, long-pointed, fused, pink, white, dorsal midrib hairy,
4-7 x 1-2.2 mm. Stamens are 10, in two whorls, shorter than and adnate
to the petals, 2-5 mm long. Nectar scales are oblong, 0.3-1 x 0.1-0.4
mm. Carpels are 2.9-4.5 x 0.5-1 mm, style slender 0.5-1 mm long, stigma
capitate. Follicles are 5, erect, free, 4-6 x 0.8-1.5 mm. Hairy Sepal
Sedum is found in the Himalayas, from Afghanistan, Kashmir, Kumaon to
Nepal, at altitudes of around 2200 m.