Indian Paddy-Grass
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Indian Paddy-Grass
A Native Photo: Sushant More
Common name: Indian Paddy-Grass
Botanical name: Wiesneria triandra    Family: Alismataceae (Water Plantain family)
Synonyms: Sagittaria triandra

Indian Paddy-Grass is an aquatic plant growing in shallow water in paddy fields, gregarious, semi-submerged, caespitose, monoecious; roots many, long, white spongy. Leaves arise from the root, numerous, blade about 14.0 x 0.7 cm, linear, keeled, especially towards the base, blunt at tip; leaf-stalk about 20.0 x 0.6 cm, constricted at the joint with the blade, bluntly trigonous in cross section, broadened into a sheathing base. Flowers are borne in erect recemes, in leaf-axils, about 20 cm long; flower-cluster-stalk about 18 cm long, bluntly trigonous. Flowering axis is sharply trigonous with unisexual flowers arranged at very short intervals. Flowers are white, bracteate, trimerous. Female flowers are shortly stalked. bracts three, fused at base, about 3.0 x 2.0 mm, erect, trapezoid, flat and subentire at tip, slightly accrescent; sepals three not spreading, about 3 x 2 mm; petals three, alternating sepals, about 1.0 x 0.5 mm. Male flowers are about 3.5 mm across: flower-stalk about 1.75 mm long; bracts three, similar to those of female flowers; sepals three, spreading, ovate to obovate; petals three, much smaller than sepals, as large as the petals of female flower, obovate, rounded at tip; stamens three, antisepalous, about 1.5 mm long; anthers large, prominent. Fruits are nearly spherical or ovoid with short apical beak. Indian Paddy-Grass in found in South India.

Identification credit: Sushant More Photographed in Ratnagiri Dist, Maharashtra.

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