Jaini Ceropegia is a very rare and threatened herb, endemic to the
Sahyadri Hills. It is a small erect herb, 10-20 cm high, with tuberous
root. Tubers are hairless, 2-3 cm. Slender stem is green with oppositely
arranged leaves. Leaves are linear-lanceshaped, 2-5 cm long, hairy on both
sides, margins with stiff hairs. Flowers occur singly in leaf axils.
Slender flower-stalks are 6-10 mm long. Sepals are lance-shaped, 3-5 mm.
Flowers are 2 cm long, tubular, with the tube enlarged at the base and
white. Five narrow linear petals are 1 cm long, reddish-purple, and hairy
at the base. Sometimes the flower is completely purplish-red.
Flowering: August-October.
Identification credit: Ajinkya Gadave
Photographed in Maharashtra.
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