Kashmir Blue Poppy is a perennial herb with large
blue, rarely white, flowers, numerous in a spike-like cluster borne on
a leafy stem up to 1 m. Petals are 4, broadly ovate 3.5-4 cm long;
stamen filaments deep blue, anthers orange-yellow. Basal leaves are
long-stalked; blade ovate to oblong, up to about 20 cm, coarsely and
regularly shallowly rounded-lobed, with sparse straw-colored bristly
spines. Upper leaves are stalkless. Capsules are obconic about 3 cm,
with style covered with spreading bristly spines. Kashmir Blue Poppy is
endemic to Kashmir, growing on rocky slopes at altitudes of 3500-4000
Flowering: July-September.
Identification credit: Akhtar Malik
Photographed in Razdan Pass, Gurez, Kashmir.
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