Light Satin Flower
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Light Satin Flower
A Introduced Photo: Saroj Kasaju
Common name: Light Satin Flower, Farewell to Spring, Herald-of-summer
Botanical name: Clarkia amoena subsp. lindleyi    Family: Onagraceae (Evening primrose family)
Synonyms: Godetia lindleyana, Godetia grandiflora, Oenothera lindleyi

Light Satin Flower is closely related to a popular garden plant Farewell to Spring. It varies in height from 10 to 100 cm. The buds are usually erect. Sepals are typically fused and turned to one side under the flower. The pale pink to rose-purple flowers have a central carmine-colored splotch in the center of each petal. The flowers open during the day and tend to close at night. The petals are mostly greater than 2 cm long, and are rounded to obtuse in shape. Another key characteristic is the linear stigmas which are usually more than 2 mm long, and the seed capsules are not strongly curved. Light Satin Flower is native to SW. Canada to W. Oregon, cultivated elsewhere.

Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma, Anil Thakur, Saroj Kasaju Photographed in cultivation in Leh, Ladakh.

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