Nepal Morina is a close cousin of the
Whorlflower, but a much
smaller plant. Flowering stems are only 8-15 cm high. Flowers are
pinkish-purple, few in closely grouped whorls, forming a dense head at
the top. Below the cluster are leaf-like bracts with prominent long
bristles (not spines). Flower-tube is 1-1.5 cm long, curved, petals
nearly equal, about 3 mm. Calyx is tube-shaped, green below, purple
above, or entirely purple, 7-15 mm; tube about half as long as total
length of calyx; fissure large, edges hairy and toothed-spiny; spines
usually 5, irregularly arranged. Fertile stamens are 4, do not protrude
out. Rosette leaves are lanceshaped or linear-lanceshaped, less
frequently linear, 10-25 x 0.5-2.6 cm, both surfaces hairless, base
narrowed, sheathing, margins usually bristly or spiny, tip pointed to
tapering. Stem leaves are 2-4-paired, elliptic to linear-lanceshaped,
reduced above; lowermost pair often reduced, subovate or spoon-shaped,
spineless; uppermost pair densely spiny at base. Nepal Morina is
found in Eastern Himalayas, from W Nepal to Sikkim and SW China, at
altitudes of 3000-4400 m. Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Sudhansu Sekhar Dash, Saroj Kumar Kasaju, Bernhard Dickore
Photographed beyond Tsomgo lake, Sikkim.
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