Odisha Swan Flower
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Odisha Swan Flower
P Native Photo: Tabish
Common name: Odisha Swan Flower
Botanical name: Globba orixensis    Family: Zingiberaceae (Ginger family)
Synonyms: Alpinia missionis, Globba orixensis var. pubescens

Odisha Swan Flower is an erect, faintly aromatic, perennial herb. The species name orixensis comes from Orissa (now Odisha). Flowers are borne in panicles at branch-ends, about 6.5 cm long; bracts lanceshaped, 5-7 x 2-3 mm, falling off. Flowers are 4-5 cm long, orange-yellow, tube about 1.5 cm long, slender, 3-lobed; petals nearly equal, 6-8 x about 3 mm, orange-yellow. Staminodes are 2, about 5 x 2 mm, petal-like, orange-yellow with deflexed lip; lip narrow, shallowly bifid, orange-yellow with reddish brown spots at throat. Sepal-cup is funnel-shaped, 0.5-1 x 0.2-0.3 cm, yellow; teeth minute, tridendate. Fertile stamen about 2.4 cm long, yellow, arched; anther 2-celled, oblong, about 2 mm. Style is linear, 2-2.5 cm long, white. Leaves are simple, alternate, broadly lanceshaped, 5-7 x 1.5-2 cm, nearly stalkless, wedge-shaped at base, with a tail at tip, entire, midrib prominent with 8-15 parallel nerves. Odisha Swan Flower is found in East Himalaya, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Jharkhand, West Bengal. Flowering: July-August.

Identification credit: M. Sabu Photographed in State Orchidarium, Manipur.

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