Pale Open Bellflower is a perennial somewhat robust,
almost erect to rising up herb, 13-40 cm tall. Flower are white to
pinkish-white, nearly pinwheel shaped, 5-parted for half or slightly
more the length, hairy outside. There is also a
deep purple form of the
flowers. Flower-tube is 3-5 mm long and 8-12 mm broad at throat, petals
4-8 x 4-6 mm, oblong-ovate to ovate. Filaments are 2-3.5 mm long ;
dilated at base, long fringed with hairs ; anthers 2-3.5 mm long.
Styles are about 1-1.5 cm long, much protruding out. Sepal cup is 2-3 x
3-4 mm, broadly obconic, densely velvet-hairy to woolly. Sepals are
3.5-6 x 3-4 mm, broadly ovate to ovate-lanceshaped, nearly entire to
few toothed, pointed, densely velvet-hairy to woolly. Flowers are borne
singly at branch-ends, carried on flower-stalks 0.3-1.5 cm long, hairy
to densely woolly. Stems are simple or profusely branched, hairy to
woolly hairy. Leaves are crowded towards the tips of the stems,
stalkless to nearly so, upper ones much reduced and bract-like, 6-21 x
1-10 mm, ovate-elliptic to lanceshaped, narrowed to wedge-shaped at
base, pointed at tip, nearly entire to irregularly toothed, densely
velvet-hairy, rarely woolly hairy above and white woolly hairy beneath.
Capsules are 4-5 mm long and as much broad, obvoid. Pale Open
Bellflower is found in West Himalaya, at altitudes of 2200-3900 m.
Flowering: September-October.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed near Dharatidhar, Uttarakhand.
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