Palm Beachbells is a fast growing perennial or
biennial fleshy with erect stems, usually branched only from the base,
the whole plant is hairless. Leaves are ovate-lanceshaped, pointed
tapered into a short, wide stalk, large and often enormous, from 15 to
50 cm long, but only 5-8 cm broad. At first upright, then bent and
touching the ground with their end. Light green to bronze-green covered
with a waxy white powder when young to look overall grey-green and
splotched with maroon-brown blotches. Margins are heavily jagged,
sawtooth-like. These leaves often have small plantlets (bulbils)
developing along the leaf margin near the the tip. These bulbils take
root without leaving the leaf blade that feeds them like a runners. At
the time of flowering, all the leaves starts drying and bending
downward. Flowers are borne at the top of the stem, in a compact large
cyme, on a stalk 60-90 cm tall branching near the top with several
clusters of hanging flower-buds. Flowers are about 5 cm long. Buds are
pale peach-colored darkening and becoming the calyces holding the,
yellowish-green or darker reddish-salmon petals with flared tips and
yellow interior. Filaments are almost white with yellow anthers.
Flowers of K. Gastonis-Bonnieri are similar to those of Kalanchoe
pinnata but are smaller, and the sepal-cupes are less inflated. Palm
Beachbells is native to Madagascar, cultivated worldwide.
Identification credit: Saroj Kasaju, J.M. Garg
Photographed in cultivation in Delhi.
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