Sandwort Bellflower
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Sandwort Bellflower
P Native Photo: Jaideep Sharma
Common name: Sandwort Bellflower
Botanical name: Campanula alsinoides    Family: Campanulaceae (Bell flower family)

Sandwort Bellflower is a slender perennial herb, 8-20 cm tall, with many stems from a rootstock, erect to rising up, velvet-hairy. Flowers are white with reddish purple lines, bell-shaped, 5 parted to about half the length with blunt-rounded petals. Stigmatic !obes are 3. Sepals are 1.5-3 mm long, narrowly lanceshaped, entire or irregularty toothed, about 2/3 as long as the flower at fruiting. Flowers are borne singly at branch-ends or in leaf-axils, carried on flower-stalks 0.6-2.5 cm long, erect to curved, slender, velvet-hairy. Leaves are 12-18 x 6-8 mm, oblong-ovate or rarely obovate, narrowed at base, obscurely toothed, pointed or rarely blunt al tip, membranous, hairy on both surfaces ; leaf-stalks winged, hairy, 0. 5 - 4 mm long. Capsules about 3 x 3 mm, subglabose, rounded at base, velvet-hairy. Sceds minute, brown, shiny, ellipsoid. Sandwort Bellflower is found in Pakistan to West Himalaya, at altitudes of 2300-3300 m. Flowering: August-September.

Identification credit: D.S. Rawat Photographed on Amarnath trek route, Kashmir.

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