Shrubby Stylo is an erect to sub-erect shrubby
perennial up to 2 m tall, with strong, deep taproot up to 4 m. Young
stems vary from green to reddish in colour, depending on the strain;
usually with dense hairs and bristles, and viscid, becoming woodier
with age. Leaves are trifoliolate, leaflets hairy on both surfaces,
elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, pale green to dark green and dark
blue-green in colour; terminal leaflet 2.0-3.3 cm long, 4-12 mm wide.
Inflorescence is an axillary or terminal, shortly elongate spike, 1-3
cm long, comprising several pale to darker yellow flowers. 2-segmented
pod, both segments usually fertile; the upper segment 4-5 mm long
(including recurved beak or hook 1-2 mm long), and the lower segment
2-3 mm long; seeds asymmetrically kidney-shaped, up to 2 mm long, pale
to light brown. Shrubby Stylo is native to South America.
Identification credit: Anil Rajbhar
Photographed at Gudampara, Munnar, Kerala.
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