Sikkim Bay Laurel
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Sikkim Bay Laurel
E Native Photo: Saroj Kasaju
Common name: Sikkim Bay Laurel
Botanical name: Actinodaphne sikkimensis    Family: Lauraceae (Laurel family)
Synonyms: Iozoste sikkimensis

Sikkim Bay Laurel is a small tree up to 6 m. Leaves are membranous, lanceshaped, 10-14 x 2-4 cm, finely tapering, base wedge-shaped, hairless, pale and not netveined beneath; lateral veins slender, 8-11 pairs, not very prominent beneath; leaf-stalks 8-10mm. Flowers are borne in cmall nearly stalkless clusters, about 1 cm in diameter, tepals about 3 mm. Fruit is ellipsoid, about 13 x 7 mm, borne on small entire tepal cup about 2 mm across, fruiting flower-stalks 6-8 mm. Sikkim Bay Laurel is native to East Himalaya, Myanmar, Thailand.

Identification credit: Tapas Chakrabarty Photographed in Sakiyong Khasmahal, Pedong Reshi Rd, India.

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