Sind Morning Glory is an uncommon morning-glory species
found in the wild. It is an annual creeper growing up to 50 cm long,
with many stems from the base, prostrate or twining, internodes upto 11
cm. Stems are slender, covered with spreading hairs.
Flowers are borne in leaf axils, in 1-3-flowered clusters. Bracts are
3-8 mm long, linear, hairy, long-pointed. Flower-stalks are 3-4 mm
long. Sepal cup is 6-8 mm long, dilated at base, sepals lanceshaped,
hairy and frilly. Flowers are white, funnel-shaped, 0.8-1 cm long, limb
broadly 5-lobed, minutely hairy outside.
Leaves are 2.5-6 cm long, 3-4 cm broad, oblong, arrow-shaped, pointed
or long-pointed at the tip. Leaves are hairy on both surfaces, might
becomes somewhat hairless as they grow old. Margins are frilly with
hairs, entire or slightly wavy. Base is heart-shaped with broad sinus
and diverging lobes. Leaf stalks are 1-3.5 cm long, hairy. Capsules are
spherical, 0.5-0.6 cm across, hairless. Sind Morning Glory can be
confused with
Tiny Morning Glory, however Tiny
Morning Glory flowers mostly have a pink center and hairy capsule,
whereas the flowers of Sind Morning Glory are white, and the capsule is
hairless. Sind Morning Glory is found in the Sind region of Pakistan,
Rajasthan, Haryana and parts of Himachal Pradesh.
Identification credit: Rakesh Singh
Photographed in Agra, Uttar Pradesh.
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