Soft Lousewort is an annual herb, 1-3 ft tall,
hairy, not drying black. Stems are erect, leafy. Stem leaves are
arranged in whorls of 3 or 4. Proximal leaf-stalks are short; leaf
blade linear-lanceshaped, 3-5 cm X 7.5-10 mm, pinnately cut; segments
are 10-15 pairs, lanceshaped, pinnately cut, with ovate divisions,
toothed. Inflorescences are often interrupted basally. Bracts are
leaflike. Flower-stalks are short. Sepal cup is bell-shaped, about 6
mm, velvety. Sepals are 5, lanceshaped, toothed. Flowers are red, 7-9
mm; tube about 5 mm, velvety. Upper lip is erect, slender, tip pointed
but beakless. Lower lip is shorter than the upper one, spreading, about
5.5 mm wide, lobes rounded, equal, ciliated. Filaments are hairless.
Capsules are ovoid-lanceshaped, about 1.2 cm X 5.5 mm, about twice as
long as sepal cup, obliquely pointed. Soft Lousewort is found in the
Himalayas, from Himachal Pradesh to Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim, at
altitudes of 3000-4500 m. Flowering: July-September.
Identification credit: Krishan Lal
Photographed in Kinnaur Distt, Himachal Pradesh.
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