Spherical Rattlepod is a prostrate herb with
branchlets round, much branched, silky-hairy. Leaves are simple,
alternate, leaf-stalks 1-2 mm long. Leaf blade is ovate-round, 0.6-2 x
0.6-2 cm, papery, densely hairy beneath, sparsely hairy above, somewhat
heart-shaped or sometimes rounded basally, blunt at tip with a small
point. Lateral nerves are 3-4 pairs. Flowers are borne in a
1-3-flowered raceme. Flower-cluster-stalk 1-4 cm long, hairy. Flowers
are about 1.5 cm across; flower-stalks 2-5 mm long; bracts bristly,
1-2 mm long; bracteoles minute, above the middle of the flower-stalk.
Calyx tube 3-5 mm long; sepals 5, lanceshaped, 5-7 mm long, densely
hairy, upper 2 basally fused, longer than the lower 3. Flowers are
pea-shaped, yellow, exerted; vexillum ovate-round, about 7 mm long,
prominently veined with a short, curved claw, becoming orange with age;
wing petals oblong, 5–6 mm long, becoming reddish with age; keel petals
slightly swollen with a short twisted beak, 5–7 mm long, becoming
reddish with age. Stamens 10, monadelphous, dimorphic; staminal sheath
about 3.5 mm long; filaments 3–4 mm long; anthers dimorphic with longer
anthers oblong, 1 mm long, shorter anthers ovoid, 0.5 mm long. Pods are
spherical, 5-8 mm across, brown, stalkless, turgid, short, stiff,
white- hairy. Seeds 3-5, ovoid or somewhat kidney-shaped, 2 mm across,
yellowish-brown obscurely striped. Spherical Rattlepod is endemic to
Tamil Nadu. Flowering: November-December.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Palladam, Tamil Nadu.
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