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A Introduced Photo: Thingnam Rajshree
Common name: Tobacco • Hindi: तम्बाकू Tambaku • Manipuri: ꯍꯤꯗꯥꯛꯃꯅꯥ Hidakmana • Marathi: तंबाखू Tambakhoo • Mizo: Vaihlo • Kannada: ಹೊಗೆಸೊಪ್ಪು Hogesoppu, ತಂಬಾಕು Tambaaku
Botanical name: Nicotiana tabacum    Family: Solanaceae (Potato family)
Synonyms: Nicotiana tabaca, Nicotiana mexicana, Nicotiana chinensis

Tobacco is a is a robust annual little branched herb up to 2.5 m tall with large green leaves and long trumpet-shaped white-pinkish flowers. All parts are sticky, covered with short sticky-glandular hairs, which exude a yellow secretion containing nicotine. Flowers are borne in branch-end many-flowered clusters. Flower tube is 5-6 cm long, 5 mm in diameter, expanded in the lower third and upper third, petals broadly triangular, white-pinkish with pale violet or carmine colored tips tube yellowish white. Calyx is with five narrowly triangular sepals which are 1.5-2 cm long. Leves are varied in size, the lower leaves are the largest at up to 60 cm long, short-stalked or unstalked, oblonged-elliptic, shortly tapering at the tip, decurrent at the base, the upper one stalkless and smallest, oblong-lanceshaped or elliptic. Fruit is capsular ovoid or ellipsoid, surrounded by the persistent calyx and with a short apical beak, about 2 cm long. Seeds are very numerous, very small, ovoid or kidney shaped, brown. Tobacco is a native of tropical and subtropical America but it is now commercially cultivated worldwide.

Identification credit: Navendu Pāgé Photographed in cultivation in Arunachal Pradesh.

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