Trailing Jade Plant
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Trailing Jade Plant
P Introduced Photo: Saroj Kasaju
Common name: Trailing Jade Plant
Botanical name: Crassula sarmentosa    Family: Crassulaceae (Sedum family)
Synonyms: Septimia sarmentosa

Trailing Jade Plant is an attractive fleshy with reddish trailing branches with mid-green leaves with cream to yellow, finely sawtoothed margins. It grows quickly, branching from the base. The stems are up to 3 feet long. Leaves are elliptic to lance-shaped, up to 5.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. They have a brighter green color with red highlights along the margins in full sun. Rounded compact panicles of pink buds open to tinged pink, white flowers are borne at branch ends. Flowers are small, white or cream, sometimes tinged red, with a star-shaped flower that consists of 4 petals 6-8 mm long, in dense, rounded or flat-topped, bunched heads, 5 x 5 cm, the flowers spreading at right angles to each other. Stamens with filaments that are between 1.25- 4.5 mm long with white anthers. Trailing Jade Plant is native to South Africa, cultivated as a succulent elsewhere.

Identification credit: Saroj Kasaju Photographed in cultivation in Kalimpong, WB.

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