Umbrella Tree is a thornless, evergreen to
deciduous tree which can grow up to 15-25 m tall with an open and
spreading crown. Its bole is exceptionally straight, cylindrical, can
be up to 15 m tall and 50 cm across. Bark is pale grey to grey brown or
almost white, smooth or with deep, vertical and often twisted furrows.
Branchlets are with patent short hairs. Leaves are mostly almost
paired, nearly opposite, simple and glandular-toothed. Stipules are 2-6
mm long, and drop off quickly. Leaf-stalk is 6-12 mm long. Leaves are
ovate-elliptical to oblong-ovate, measuring 7-14 cm x 2.5-6 cm, shiny
above and paler beneath. Leaves are smooth except when young, with
rounded to nearly heart-shaped base, and a tapering tip, while the
margins are 0.3-5 mm long and with rounded teeth. Flowers are born in
many flowered axillary cymes and measures about 1-5 cm long. The
peduncle is 4-25 mm long. The flowers are bisexual, 5-merous and
yellowish-green. Flower-stalks are 1-3 mm long. Sepals are 2-6 mm long
and deltoid, while the petals are very strongly concave-convex, hiding
the anthers and not clawed. Stigma is star-like 10-lobed. The style and
stigma are persistent in fruit. Fruit is an obovate drupe, measuring
2.0-3.5 cm x 1.0-1.8 cm, turns from green to yellow to purple-black
when mature. Umbrella Tree is native to Africa, invasive and
naturalizing in many parts.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in Sakleshpur, Karnataka.
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