Unequal-Leaved Coneflower is a perennial herb 40-150
cm tall, much branched, with leaves in strongly unequal pairs (in the
plants found in India). Inflorescence rarely exceed 5 cm in length, the
branches commonly short and forked, often bent. Calyx is 7-9 mm,
growing up to 1.5-1.7 cm, 5-lobed almost to base. Sepals lanceshaped,
gland-tipped velvet-hairy, one sepal slightly longer than others.
Flowers are violet, 3-4 cm, slightly curved, outside nearly hairless to
hairy, tube basally cylindric and about 2 mm wide for about 5 mm then
swollen and gradually widened to about 1.5 cm at mouth. Lobes are
round, 5-6 mm in diameter, nearly equal, tip notched. Stamens are 4,
not protruding. Stems are apically somewhat zigzag, hairless or
yellowish velvet-hairy. Leaves are nearly always strongly unequal, with
the smaller leaf about a quarter of the larger leaf. Leaves are
distinctly ovate in outline, often with a rounded base. Leaf tips are
commonly strongly curved as well as tapering. Leaf-stalks 0.5-1.5 cm,
blade 1.5-15 x 0.5-4.5 cm. Capsules are oblong-club-shaped, 1.4-1.8 cm,
gland-tipped velvet-hairy, 4-seeded. Unequal-Leaved Coneflower is
widespread in S. China, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Mizoram, at
altitudes up to 2200 m. Flowering: August-November.
Identification credit: John Wood
Photographed in Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh.
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