Wavyleaf Purplenut
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Wavyleaf Purplenut
ative Photo: Amit Kumar
Common name: Wavyleaf Purplenut • Assamese: Serai-guti • Hindi: Konhaia • Nepali: Thoolo tarsing • Mizo: Khuang-hlang
Botanical name: Beilschmiedia roxburghiana    Family: Lauraceae (Laurel family)
Synonyms: Beilschmiedia fagifolia

Wavyleaf Purplenut is a trees, 10-15 m tall. Branchlets are blackish brown, compressed, prominently angled, sparsely velvety or smooth. Terminal buds are small, densely gray-brown velvety. Leaves are opposite, sometimes alternate, carried on 1.5-2 cm long, slender stalks. Leaves are elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or elliptic-lanceshaped, 9-14 × 3.5-5 cm, papery or somewhat leathery, minutely gland-dotted on both surfaces. Base is broadly wedge-shaped or round, tip blunt or pointed acute, or round. Flowers are borne in cyme-like panicles or racemes, in leaf axils or at branch ends, short, 5-15 cm, wholly densely gray-yellow velvety. Flower-stalks are about 1 mm. Flowers are small. Tepals are ovate, about 1.5 mm. Fertile stamens are 9. Fruit is dark purplem ellipsoid, 4-5 × 2-3 cm, smooth, rounded at both ends, tip mucronate. Fruiting stalks are robust, 5-20 mm, up to 7 mm in diameter, always brown maculate. Wavyleaf Purplenut is found in E. Himalaya, Nepal, Sikkim, Assam, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Indo-China, at altitudes of 250-2000 m. Flowering: August.

Identification credit: Amit Kumar Photographed in Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.

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