Western Ghats Ixora is a small tropical tree found in evergreen forests of
southern parts of India,
like Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, to 10 m tall. Oppositely arranged leaves,
14-16 x 3.5-6.5 cm, are elliptic-oblong or elliptic-obovate, with obtuse tip
and acute base. Flowers are 5-6 mm long, white, stalkless or nearly so,
in panicled cymes at branch ends. They are highly fragrant.
Flower-cluster-stalk is 10-15 cm long, reddish, compressed, pubescent.
The branches of the clusters are red in color and the
flowers are tiny white, with 4 narrow petals.
Flower tube is 5-6 mm long, narrow, with petals 2 mm long, oblong, bent
abruptly backward. Fruit is 7-8 mm across, round or slightly 2-lobed, reddish;
seeds 1 or 2. Flowering: December-February.