Woolly Eria
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Woolly Eria
P Native Photo: Satish Phadke
Common name: Woolly Eria
Botanical name: Dendrolirium lasiopetalum    Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Synonyms: Eria lasiopetala, Eria flava, Eria lanata, Eria pubescens

Woolly Eria is an orchid found growing on trees, with creeping rhizome, about 5 mm in diameter. Flower racemes are 10-20 cm long, laxly flowered; axis densely white or grayish yellowish cottony-hairy. Petals are linear, about 14 x 1 mm, tapering; lip ovate in outline, about 11 x 5 mm, base contracted into a claw, 3-lobed; margins of lobes wavy; lateral lobes obovate; mid-lobe oblong; disk with an obovate-lanceshaped thickened area extending from base to mid-lobe. Column about 4 mm, thick, foot about 4 mm, arcuate. Sepals are densely white or grayish yellowish cottony-hairy below; dorsal sepal lanceshaped, about 12 x 2 mm, blunt; lateral sepals triangular-lanceshaped, slightly oblique, about 13 x 5 mm. Floral bracts ovate-lanceshaped, about 1 cm, below with white or grayish yellowish cottony hairs, tip long tapering; flower-stalk and ovary 2-3 cm, densely hairy. Pseudobulbs are borne 1.5-5 cm apart on rhizome, spindle-shaped, 3-7.5 x 1.5-3.5 cm, tip with 3-5 leaves. Leaves are elliptic or oblong-lanceshaped, 12-30 x 1.5-5 cm, with 8-14 main veins, tip tapering. Capsule is cylindric, 2.5-4 cm x about 4 mm, with white cottony hairs when young. Woolly Eria is found in forests, on trees along streams, and on rocks, at altitudes of 1200-1700 m, in China, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam. Flowering: January-April.

Identification credit: Khyanjeet Gogoi, Nayan Jyoti Gogoi Photographed in Assam.

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