Yellow Myrobalan is a medium sized to large deciduous
tree, often with buttressed stem attaining 80 ft. in height. Bark is
grey or brown, slightly vertically fissured outside, light yellow,
turning brown and fibrous inside, about 8 mm thick. Young shoots are
shining, rusty or brown velvet-hairy, soon hairless. Leaves are nearly
opposite, 7-19 x 3-10 cm, lanceshaped or oblong-lanceshaped to
elliptic, pointed or shortly tapering; velvet-hairy when young,
hairless and shining when mature; lateral nerves 8-12 on either half,
curving upwards; base wedge-shaped or rounded; leaf-stalk 1.0-2.5 cm
long, biglandular, glands prominent, round. Flowers are borne in spikes
deciduously rusty finely velvet-hairy, panicled at the ends of shoots
with lower branches in leaf-axils or sometimes solitary and in
leaf-axils. Flowers are about 5 mm across, stalkless, all
hermaphrodite, each with a small linear silkv velvet-hairy deciduous
bract, those towards the bottom of the spikes spoon-shaped and larger
downwards. Sepal-cup is hairless outside, rusty hairy within; limb
broad, cup-shaped; teeth 5, erect. Fruit is 5-7.5 cm by 1.8-2.5 cm,
oblong-lanceshaped, slightly club-shaped, smooth, hairless, obscurely
5-ridged. Yellow Myrobalan is found in Nepal, East Himalaya, Andaman &
Nicobar, Bangladesh, SE Asia.
Medicinal uses: Its bark is diuretic and
cardio tonic and fruits are used similar to Terminalia chebula and used
in various drug preparations, which are sometimes adulterated with
other plant materials.
Identification credit: Pooja Nautiyal
Photographed at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.
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