Yellow Sweet Clover
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Yellow Sweet Clover
ative trifoliate Photo: Prashant Awale
Common name: Yellow Sweet Clover, Kings-clover, Sweet clover, Sweet lucerne, Yellow melilot • Hindi: Aspurk • Sanskrit: Sprkka • Urdu: Akleel-ul-mulk, Aspurk, Haleenothus
Botanical name: Melilotus officinalis    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)

Yellow Sweet Clover is an annual or biennial plant, stems 2-4 ft tall, longitudinally ridged. Stipules are linear-sickle shaped, 3-5 mm, entire or with 1 tooth at base; leaf-stalk slender. Leaves are trifoliate, leaflets obovate, broadly ovate, inverted-lanceshaped, to linear, 15-25 x 5-15 mm, lateral veins running into teeth, 8-12 pairs, margins shallowly sawtoothed. Flowers are borne in racemes 6-15 cm long, 30-70-flowered, dense at first, becoming lax in anthesis; bracts equal to flower-stalks, 1.5-2 mm. Flowers are yellow, 4.5-7 mm; standard equal to wings and keel. Pods are ovoid, 3-5 x about 2 mm. Yellow Sweet Clover is found in Europe to West Himalaya. Flowering: May-September.
Medicinal uses: Yellow Sweetclover is considered to be very helpful in removing gas from the digestive system and in inducing urination. It can improve blood circulation, and be of great help in treatments of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It can also be helpful in treatments of wounds, cuts and bruises. Used in form of a tea, Yellow Sweetclower is beneficial in cases of nervous tensions, painful menstruation, insomnia and palpitations.

Identification credit: Prashant Awale Photographed in Ladakh.

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