Burhia Rattlepod
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Burhia Rattlepod
P Native Photo: Prashant Awale
Common name: Burhia Rattlepod • Hindi: सणिया Saniya, खिंप Khimp • Rajasthani: शिनियो Shinio, सनियो Sanio, Jhunda, Chag
Botanical name: Crotalaria burhia    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Crotalaria burhia var. tomentosa

Burhia Rattlepod is a low undershrub, about 1-2 ft tall; branches numerous, hoary with dense appressed pubescence. Leaves are few, deciduous, simple, about 0.6-2.5 cm long, about 3-10 mm broad, oblong, blunt, velvet-hairy on both sides. Inflorescence is a 6-12-flowered, elongated raceme. Flower-stalks are very short; bracteoles 2. Calyx about 8-9 mm long, velvet-hairy, teeth lanceshaped. Flowers are yellow, slightly protruding. Style slightly bearded at the top. Fruits are about 8-9 mm long, about 4 mm or less wide, hairy, 3-4-seeded. Burhia Rattlepod is found in Pakistan (Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan); India; Afghanistan. Flowering: January-February.

Identification credit: Prashant Awale Photographed at Sudhasari Sand dunes & IIT Campus, Joshpur, Rajasthan.

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