East-Indian Streblus
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East-Indian Streblus
P Native Photo: M. Sawmliana
Common name: East-Indian Streblus • Khasi: Dieng-lundoum • Mizo: Khaw-reng • Cachari: Dudh-chapa
Botanical name: Pseudostreblus indicus    Family: Moraceae (Mulberry family)
Synonyms: Streblus indicus

East-Indian Streblus is a medium sized tree 10-15 m tall. Bark is whitish or greenish grey, with scattered warts, inside dull-white, soon turning greenish black with strong fibrous layers, spines absent, young branches velvet-hairy. Leaves are alternate, bifarious, narrow, elliptic, tapering 5-16 x 2.5-5 cm across, leathery, hairless, dark-green above, paler beneath, margin entire, tip tapering, lateral veins 10-20 with many intermediate ones on either half, straight and parallel, ultimately forming several loops of intramarginal veins, leaf-stalk 0.5-1 cm long, stipules ovate lanceshaped. Inflorescence with one apical female and many basal male flowers. Male inflorescence in leaf-axils, bracts 3, triangular. Female flowers are solitary or mixed with the male, sepals 4, round, concave, accrescent, ovary spherical, style branched after the base, enclosing the fruit. Drupes spherical 0.6-0.8 cm across, seeds white. East-Indian Streblus is found in NE India to S. China and Indo-China, at altitudes of 600-1400 m. Flowering: October-November.

Identification credit: M. Sawmliana Photographed in Darlawn, Mizoram.

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