Paired Flower Smithia
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Paired Flower Smithia
A Native Photo: Anurag Sharma
Common name: Paired Flower Smithia
Botanical name: Smithia conferta var. geminiflora    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Smithia geminiflora, Sesbania geminiflora

Paired Flower Smithia is a prostrate herb which differs from Congested Flower Smithia (Smithia conferta var. conferta) in its robust habit, short internodes and less bristly leaves which are not crowded at branch ends. Flowers are comparatively larger and are not congested in the upper leaf axils to form a head inflorescence. Petals are shortly clawed than the var. conferta. Lomentum joints are papillose. Paired Flower Smithia is found in South India. Flowering: October-February.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Nelliyampathy, Kerala.

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