Snow Cinquefoil is a perennial herb growing 5-20
cm, with stem ascending, often reddish, hairy, and with strawberry-like
leaves. Flowers are yellow, 1-2 cm across, petals five, 6-9 mm long,
slightly longer than sepals, obovate, tip notched. Calyx is 5-lobed,
with epicalyx. Stamens are 10-30. Gynoecium separate, pistils many.
Inflorescence is a narrow, 2-8-flowered corymb. Leaves are alternately
arranged, basal leaves long-stemmed, stem leaves short-stemmed to
stalkless, stipulate. Leaflets are 3 (sometimes 5), terminal leaflet
sometimes stalked. Leaflets are elliptic-spoon-shaped, with short and
blunt teeth until base, teeth 9-13 or with long and tapered teeth,
teeth 5-9 (ssp. chamissonis), green on top, underside densely
white-haired. Snow Cinquefoil is reported from Ladakh 1600-3400 m and
C. Asia.
Flowering: July-August.
Identification credit: Nongthombam Ullysess
Photographed in Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh.
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