Sword-Leaf Calanthe is a rare terrestrial orchid,
generally growing in clusters, 35-90 cm tall. Leaves are 3-6,
sword-shaped, 20-75 cm long, up to 5cm wide, pointed, hairless,
pleated, 3-nerved. Inflorescence is erect, flowering stem up to 140 cm
long, 10-35 cm long, about 30 to 55 flowered, floral bracts 1.0-1.5 cm
long. Flowers are pale yellow to green, 1.4-1.8 x 1.0-1.3 cm, spurred.
Sepals are similar, somewhat elliptic, reflexed, 6-8 mm long and 4-5 mm
wide, pointed. Petals are inverted-lanceshaped, reflexed, 6-8 mm long
and 2.02.5 mm wide, blunt, 3-veined hairless, with clawed base. Lip is
adnate to entire length of column wings, broadly triangular, 0.7-1.0 cm
long and 0.6-0.9 cm wide, 3-lobed. Lateral lobes are oblong to
ovate-triangular, 4-5 mm long, blunt, mid lobe divided into 2 lobules
by a deep sinus. Column is about 4.0 mm long and about 4.5 mm wide.
Capsules are ovoid, 1.3-1.8 cm long and 6-9 mm wide. Sword-Leaf Calanthe
is distributed across the Himalaya to China, Indochina, Taiwan, and
Japan. It is found at altitudes of 500-3300 m.
Flowering: July-August.