Giant Crown of Thorns
Crown of Thorns
Little Palm Cactus
Indian Spurge Tree
Leafy Milk Hedge
Winged Seed Spurge
Radium Weed
Pine Spurge
Prostrate Sandmat
Long-Leaf Spurge
Covered-Flower Spurge
Rosy Spurge
Common Hill Spurge
Danda Thor
Matted Sandmat
Sikkim Spurge
Crown of Thorns red-green
Himalayan Prostrate Spurge
Gulf Sandmat
Tibetan Spurge
Pencil Tree
Spiral Spurge
African Milk Bush
Malabar Spurge Tree
Viguier's Spurge
Himalayan Spurge
Himalayan Blinding Tree
Blinding Tree
Chinese Croton
Tiger's Milk Spruce
White Catamaran Tree
Para Rubber Tree
Wedge-Leaved Water Croton
Willow-Leaved Water Croton
Sandbox Tree
Berlandier's Nettlespurge
Physic Nut
Glandular Jatropha
Bellyache Bush
Deccan Jatropha
Tamilnadu Jatropha
Coral Bush
Dwarf Jatropha
Australian Bottle Plant
Tanjore Jatropha
Hairy Jatropha